
Christmas Home MAKEOVER 🎄 A Holiday Decorate Diary (Decor Ideas & Vibes)

As we wrap up the year 2023, I'm thrilled to share my holiday decorating journey and the profound reflections it has stirred within me. Decorating for the holidays is not just about beautifying our space; it's a deeply relaxing and meditative process that warms my heart.

This year, I've embraced a new approach to decorating – setting a theme for each area. This practice is not just about aesthetic appeal but about gathering my thoughts and intentions for the year. The theme that resonated with me was 'clearing' – clearing space, energy, and anything that no longer serves me. This process of decluttering is more than just a physical act; it's symbolic of making room for growth and new possibilities.

Decorating my home is a way to create an enchanting space, not just for my family but also as a nurturing ground for my inner child. It's about holding, loving, and letting that inner spark grow. Being more intentional with time and creating an atmosphere that etches each moment into memory has become pivotal for me.

This journey has also made me more mindful about spending. I've learned to invest in items that I truly love and need, steering clear of impulsiveness and clutter. This year has been about finding myself again, rediscovering my essence amidst the chaos of life changes, like becoming a new mother.

I often liken my journey to that of a lotus flower, growing under muddy waters, striving towards the sunlight. It's a continuous push towards clarity and breakthrough, purging my house and life of clutter to see more clearly. This path hasn't been easy. Since closing our office in 2020 and welcoming a new baby, our lives became a whirlwind of activity and clutter. But, I'm finally seeing that light at the end of the tunnel, working towards a clutter-free life.

As we step into the New Year, I want to extend my heartfelt wishes to all of you. To the lotus flowers out there, preparing to bloom, know that I am with you in spirit. We've created a community of support, positivity, and upliftment, and for that, I am eternally grateful. It's been an incredible ride, and I am so excited to share this journey with you.

Thank you for being a part of my holiday decorate diary. Let's step into the New Year with hope, clarity, and a heart full of joy. Happy New Year, everyone!

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I'm on instagram @Tiffyquake